Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I want to get 'IN' on the real estate game. Any suggestions?

Hey all,

I've noticed one very common thing about some of the richest people I personally know. They all own various prooperties. I would like to take a page out of their book, and buy a house to flip or rent. My grandfather recently passed away, and my Mother says she will sell it to me at a fair price. His home would make a perfect way for me to test my plans. So, my question is, do I have to start a property management company? An LLC or Corp? Since I am a woman, and have never personally purchased a home before, are there minority or first time buyer loans I could take advantage of? I'm very excited, my dear hubby is going to give me a sizeable down payment, and is ok with this company being in my name only! What more could a girl want?! He has his own company, and I think he is going to take $$ from that to give to me for start-up costs. He says big companies give birth to smaller companies all the time. How does this work? I'm confused!! Any ideas/info most appreciated.